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11 iun. 2013

Breaking boundaries on the count of five...

In my younger and more vulnerable years I have been thinking about the planets and this big lava star that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. The weird thing is that I repeatedly thought at a few phrases that came to consume me by time.
“Whenever you look at the sky Galileo, you are not able to see through, but you are able with your mind to break the law of gravity, and simply stare at the universe. What do you see?” I kept on telling myself. “Just remember that almost all the people in this world probably thought of it, but haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had. They did not seek to find, they’ve just wondered and kept on going with their lives.”
I could think no more. I’ve always been unusually open-minded but in a reserved way, and I understood that behind the story it lays something bigger. In consequence, I’m inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of my own ideas that were beyond my comprehension. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a day-dreamer. Most of my confidences were considered by others pure madness — frequently I have lost sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile meal when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon; for the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that.
And, after boasting this way of my tolerance, I came to the admission that it has a limit. Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don’t care what it’s founded on. When I came back from the North last winter I felt that I wanted the world to be in balance and at a sort of moral attention forever and always; I wanted no less than that. Only the high priest, the man who pledges his heart and his soul to the church, was startled of my beliefs. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life and after-life. This is something that I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find again. Although have I seen in him beauty, and by that I refer to his mind, I strongly doubt our ideas would ever be able to unite to be on an equal level when it comes to debating them.

So, courage have I got, debate me he will not, for I know my facts are based on reality and he’s are based on false hope.
The discussion took place near his lake house which was narrow and pretty old at first sight, place where he told me I should wait for him in order to exchange opinions. Oddly, he was out of town for quite a long amount of time.
Three days after his arrival, the high priest came back to town. The visit ended, he had me requested to be so good as to come to his house.
"Galileo, the one with outstanding ideas about the universe" he said to me, "how many people have you met that actually agree with you at the present moment?"
"None so far, father."
"That was the number which I counted," replied he quickly.
"The people," pursued the priest, "are very much short-minded these days."
"That is what I observed."
"Their ideas are only based on faith, and it is with difficulty that this thing can be changed in them."
"So it seems to me."
"And then, when there is a drop of hope, the mind is easily deceptive."
"That was what I said to myself, better yet, that is the thought which occurred to me."
"Why would you think otherwise?" said the priest. "One must resign one's self."
This conversation took place in the dining-room on the third floor.
I remained silent for a moment; then I turned abruptly to the priest.
„Father," I said, "why should I not enlighten people?"
He looked at me with a domineering look and after an ironic sigh he answered.
„ I fancy you, Galileo, you are actually a strong believer in your own concepts, little do you know, you will fail badly, for I will never approve on such a delusional theory!”
“Excuse me if I am too forward but I believe it is quite late for your intervention, father. The thing that slips your mind is that I have already begun my research in the theory of a geocentric, or Earth-centered, universe.”
He frowned and he felt the need to sit and fired back at me with his agruments, I let him no time to do so. I helped him sit and went on with my observation even though I knew he abhored it.
„My observations strengthen my belief in Copernicus' theory that Earth and all other planets revolve around the Sun. Most people, take you for example,  believe that the Earth is the center of the universe and that the Sun and planets revolve around it.”
“But still, this is outrageous! I cannot believe that you could think of such an abomination! You need to be stopped one way or another before...”
I spontaneously cut his line and tried to open his eyes to what really happened! I thought to myself, “Can he be so blinded by his beliefs that he cannot understand what I’m trying to explain?”
Soon my questions were answered...
“Please Father; excuse me again if my behaviour was inappropriate. I hope we can pass over this misunderstanding and I’m looking forward to seeing you again after a while, in better terms, of course.”
The priest looked at me and with a trembling voice he whispered.
“Oh, mister Galileo, we shall meet again! You can count on that. God bless you!”

As he finished his words I went straight home without looking back and fascinated by the results of this conversation I was finally convinced and determined to pursue my work and to make my intentions public.
Not long after that I started writing day and night in order to accomplish my goal, my own book based on my theories and observations that I’ve come to make in a sneaky kind of way. I was so proud of my masterpiece due to the fact that I could be able to finally make people see through my eyes, through my perspectives, to understand my point of view. So I’ve forwarded my work and published my papers about my astronomy discoveries and my belief in a heliocentric, or Sun-centered, Universe.
Time kept passing by and I was finally making amends with my mind until one day when I was taken aback by an envelope that contained a subpoena, thing that actually made me have chills running down my spine. I panicked for a second and then I read the letter.
”Dear Mr. Galileo,
We are informing you that your presence is requested in Rome, immediately. Do not waste time packing too much clothing. We assume it won’t be needed.
With respect,
The Catholic Church.”

So many questions crossed my mind without me even being able to finding an answer, but by the time I have arrived, I seemed to have always known, deep down my conscience.
“Welcome Mr. Galileo. We are accusing you of heresy. As a consequence, you are sentenced to death.”
No time was given to me to actually react, so I have went with the idea that this consequence was out of my great results. I knew then that the church did so, because it was aware as well as I was that I was right and the ironic turn of events led to me being free of charge. This temporary freedom as any good thing has its strings attached. I was free of charge, but I was kept in touch with the fact that I should no longer public anything about my heliocentricity.

I knew that once started, there is no turning back. So I kept on going with writing for I was well-aware that people should stay in the dark no longer. Little did I know that my theories were to get me back in jail and this time permanently!
So now, I’m standing here, above the Earth, looking straight at the Universe for my time has passed and the years have gone; for my job is done and my work alive and none the less for I was right. The planets revolve around the lava star and I with Copernicus point at the priest who lived in complete denial. It’s funny though, how you spent your whole life trying to solve a thing you believe in, and someone, somehow, tries, but obviously fails to stop you.
You will one day see how he’s standing on a higher cliff starring at the Universe being completely star struck.

In my younger and more vulnerable years I have been thinking about the planets and this big lava star that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. The weird thing is that I repeatedly thought at a few phrases that came to consume me by time. They did not do so. They metamorphosed me into the outstanding spirit that I am now. It’s odd and nowadays, and by that I mean your days, reader, even though it’s a cliché, you need to hold on to your dreams and fight for your own justice. The award - it’s heliocentric!